- Palaeobiology, Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
- Biostratigraphy, Comparative anatomy, Macroecology, Morphometrics, Paleoecology, Phylogenetics, Systematics, Taphonomy, Taxonomy, Vertebrate paleontology
- recommender
Recommendations: 2
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Recommendations: 2

Simple shell measurements do not consistently predict habitat in turtles: a reply to Lichtig and Lucas (2017)
Not-so-simple turtle ecomorphology
Recommended by Jordan Mallon based on reviews by Heather F. Smith and Donald BrinkmanI am a non-avian dinosaur palaeontologist by trade with a particular interest in their palaeoecology. This can be an endless source of both fascination and frustration. Fascination, because non-avian dinosaurs are quite unlike anything alive today, warranting some use of creative license when imagining them as living animals. Frustration, because the lack of good, extant ecological analogues frequently makes reconstruction of their ancient ecologies an almost insurmountable challenge.
The Canadian Museum of Nature where I work has a good collection of Late Cretaceous turtles. I took an interest in these some years ago because it struck me that, despite the quality of our collection, relatively few people come to study them. I thought, "Someone should work on these. Why not me?" I figured studying a new fossil group would present a fun change of pace and perhaps a more straightforward object of palaeoecological reconstruction. After all, fossil turtles are a lot like living turtles, so how hard can it be? Right?
In 2018, I took a special interest in one recently prepared fossil turtle, which I determined to be a new species of Basilemys (Mallon and Brinkman, 2018). Basilemys held my interest because, although it is a relatively common form, there has been some debate concerning the palaeohabitat of this animal and its closest relatives, the nanhsiungchelyids. Some have argued for an aquatic habitat for these animals; others, for a terrestrial one. It seems that where one comes down on the issue depends on which aspect of ecomorphology is emphasized. If it is on the flat carapace, nanhsiungchelyids must have been aquatic; if it is on the stout feet, terrestrial. This is how I came to appreciate the numerous ecomorphological proxies (e.g., skull shape, shell shape, limb proportions) that are used in turtle palaeoecology and how incongruent they can sometimes be. So much for easy answers!
The present study by Evers et al. is a response to an original piece of research by Lichtig and Lucas (2017), who claimed to be able to use simple shell measurements (carapacial doming and relative plastral width) to accurately deduce/infer the habitats of living turtles and, by extension, fossil ones. In short, they found that terrestrial turtles tend to have more domed carapaces and wider plastra, yielding some unconventional palaeoecological reconstructions of particular stem turtles. Evers et al. take issue with several aspects of this study, including issues of faulty data entry, inappropriate removal of extant taxa from the model, and insufficient accounting for phylogenetic non-independence. By correcting for these overights, they find that the model of Lichtig and Lucas (2017) performs more poorly than advertised and that the palaeoecological classification it produces should be questioned. "The map is not the territory", as Alfred Korzybski put it, and this latest study by Evers et al. serves as an important reminder of that lesson.
Still, even if Lichtig and Lucas's model is overly simplistic, it is true that aquatic turtles, on average, have lower carapaces and narrower plastra, and that they have relatively lower skulls and longer toes. Surely, there is merit in each of these anatomical proxies, even if no single one predicts ecology with total accuracy. I would love to see a model that combines them all. Until then, Evers et al. have inched us closer to knowing what turtle morphology can (and cannot) tell us about habitat.
Thanks to D. Brinkman and H. Smith for their helpful reviews of the manuscript.
Evers, S. W., Foth, C., Joyce, W. G., and Hermanson, G. (2024). Simple shell measurements do not consistently predict habitat in turtles: A reply to Lichtig and Lucas (2017). bioRxiv, 586561, ver. 3 peer-reviewed by PCI Paleo. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.25.586561
Lichtig, A. J., and Lucas, S. G. (2017). A simple method for inferring habitats of extinct turtles. Palaeoworld, 26(3), 581–588. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2017.02.001
Mallon, J. C., and Brinkman, D. B. (2018). Basilemys morrinensis, a new species of nanhsiungchelyid turtle from the Horseshoe Canyon Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of Alberta, Canada. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 38(2), e1431922. https://doi.org/10.1080/02724634.2018.1431922

The Morrison Formation Sauropod Consensus: A freely accessible online spreadsheet of collected sauropod specimens, their housing institutions, contents, references, localities, and other potentially useful information
Sauropods under one (very high) roof
Recommended by Jordan Mallon based on reviews by Kenneth Carpenter and Femke HolwerdaFossils get around. Any one fossil locality might be sampled by several collectors from as many institutions around the world. Alternatively, a single collector might heavily sample a site, and sell or trade parts of their collection to other institutions, scattering the fossils far and wide. These practices have the advantage of making fossils from any one locality available to researchers across the globe. However, they also have the disadvantage that, in order to systematically survey any one species, a researcher must follow innumerable trails of breadcrumb to get to where the relevant materials are held.
This is true of many famous fossil localities, such as the Eocene Green River Formation in the USA, the Cretaceous Kem Kem beds of Morocco, or the Devonian Miguasha cliffs of Canada. It is especially true of the Upper Jurassic deposits of the Morrison Formation in the western USA, which have yielded an impressive assemblage of megaherbivorous sauropod dinosaurs over the last 150 years. Today, these bones are to be found in museums not just in the USA, but also in Canada, Argentina, Japan, Australia, Malaysia, South Africa, and throughout Europe. Trawling museum databases in search of sauropod material from the Morrison Formation can therefore be a daunting task, never mind traveling the globe to actually study them.
A new paper by Tschopp et al. (2019) seeks to ease the burden on sauropod researchers by introducing a database of Morrison Formation sauropods, consisting of over 3000 specimens housed in nearly 40 institutions around the world. The authors are themselves sauropod workers and, having suffered first-hand the plight of studying material from the Morrison Formation, came up with a solution to the problem of keeping track of it all. The database is founded largely on material personally seen by the authors, supplemented by information from the literature and museum catalogs. The database further provides information on bone representation, ontogeny, locality details, and fine-scale stratigraphy, among other fields. Like any database, it is a living document that will continue to grow as new finds are made. Tschopp et al. (2019) have wisely chosen to allow others to contribute to the listing, but changes must first be vetted for accuracy. This product represents 10 years of work, and I have little doubt that it will be well-received by those of us who work on dinosaurs. Speaking personally, my PhD research on megaherbivorous dinosaurs from the Dinosaur Park Formation of Canada led me to institutions in Canada, the USA, and the UK, and further stops to Spain and Argentina would have been beneficial, if affordable. Planning for this work would have been greatly assisted by a database like the one provided us by Tschopp et al. (2019). Many a future graduate student will undoubtedly owe them a debt of gratitude.
Tschopp, E., Whitlock, J. A., Woodruff, D. C., Foster, J. R., Lei, R., & Giovanardi, S. (2019). The Morrison Formation Sauropod Consensus: A freely accessible online spreadsheet of collected sauropod specimens, their housing institutions, contents, references, localities, and other potentially useful information. PaleorXiv, version 3, peer-reviewed by PCI Paleo. doi: 10.31233/osf.io/ydvra